Craft Fair Project - Hand Sanitizer Bottles...super cute!
My friend Pam and I are going to be setting up a booth tomorrow at a local craft fair. Most of the craft fairs I've done have always been around Christmas time, but one of the places Pam goes to at Christmas decided to host a Spring Craft Fair and she invited me to go with her. THANKS PAM! We have done a few craft shows together and we always have so much fun. We talk and laugh and look at all the fun stuff other booths have. I love hanging out with my gal Pam.
Anyway, I wanted to share a project I made for tomorrow's craft fair that I am super excited about. I saw the idea for the kids hand sanitzer's on a blog I love to visit by Carla Brasher. She is fabulously talented and I love that she shares her ideas. She had a link to some other blogs and they had some other styles of sanitizers including monogrammed ones - I have created Monogrammed templates in my computer but for the sake of time I didn't print those and create those this time, but for a booth I'm doing in the fall, I'll make them for that if these sell well.
Anyway, here are the pics of my projects. First is the boy and girl bottles. My twins loved these and asked could I please save one back for them. Then they picked their ribbon from my stash, lol. See, I told you they were my biggest fans.
I used several different patterns of ribbon on these, but I thought these would photograph well (the sun isn't out today in my part of the country so this is the best I could get in the light I have.)
Next are the babies. I originally wasn't going to have baby ones but then I remembered when my nephew was born almost 2 years ago, my sister kept a bottle of sanitzer in her diaper bag for the entire first year. I think she still has a bottle in his bag actually. So I thought these might be cute for moms of little ones so I made some boy and girl baby ones and a few "unisex" ones with a light green polka dot ribbon. Sanitzer wasn't around when my kids were babies, but what great thing to have now.
Next is one I made with a great saying on it about the different kinds of hands we need to have. "Happy Hands", "Working Hands", "Caring Hands", "Praying Hands" to name a few.
I used several different colors and patterns of brocade ribbon I have in my stash for these. Here is a close-up of the words.
All of these were super easy to make and I plan to crank out a ton more of these this year for different craft shows I'll be doing. I'm thinking you can do so much with this idea. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fall...we can use hand sanitizer anytime right? I had these printed on acetate from templates I created on my computer.
I hope you enjoyed my projects today. Come back and visit soon. As promised...coming up in the next few days will be some projects using my new stamps and goodies from My Favorite Things.
God bless and Happy Stamping!
Would this fit 4 ur April shoebox challenge?? They're 2 cute BTW!!!